Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jack Lew and the premature descent from heaven: A tale of the American nomenklatura

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner stands at President Barack Obama's side along with White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew as President Obama nominates Lew to be his new Treasury Secretary.
'As a reward for a quarter-century of patiently fulfilling their duties, career bureaucrats may expect a second career as . . . an executive of a large firm or bank. Their delayed rewards as amakudari ('descent from heaven') bureaucrats usually include at least a doubling of income and sometimes much influence and handsome fringe benefits.'

Karel van Wolferen
The Enigma of Japanese Power

A clinical dissection of the Soviet system, in which a group of managers and bureaucrats . . . are engaged in ceaseless political maneuvering among themselves while maintaining total power, as a privileged class, over all the others.

John C. Campbell
Review of Nomenklatura: The Soviet Ruling Class, by Michael Voslensky
Foreign Affairs
Winter 1984/85

(Continue reading below the fold.)

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